Electric bike law - Ebike Classes

Electric bike law - Ebike Classes
E-Bike Classes: What are the difference between class 1, 2, & 3?

Class 1: Equipped with a motor, e-bike can reach to maximum speed of 20 MPH without throttle when the rider is pedaling. Pedal assist means when you start to pedal, the drive system will be activated and it can get up to 20 mph (miles per hour) on your e-bike. Class 1 e-bikes are given the permission to ride anywhere while any other type of bike can ride.

Class 2: Equipped with a throttle, e-bike can reach to a maximum speed of 20 MPH combining with pedal assist. You can control the speed by thumb throttle and combine with pedal assist mode or not. Class 2 can be allowed in most places.

Class 3: E-bike can reach to maximum speed of 28 MPH by pedal assist mode. As for the throttle, it depends on your local policy whether it can be used. Some e-bikes will be restricted from certain bike trails and bike paths because of the high power class 3 e-bike. You should also take a helmet and ride with a meter to count the speed when you ride a class 3 ebike.

FreeSky e-bikes are now trying to produce electric bikes suitable for all areas in the United States, but also give you the freedom to choose a faster speed ebike.

If you want to learn more about policies, laws and regulations about e-bikes, please visit peopleforbikes.org.

Write by Doria

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